The R-Box Podcast - A bunch of my childhood friends decided to band up and create a podcast while they were living together. This is the result, basically a distillation of our inside jokes and humor in three glorous episodes. Probably only funny to people who know them personally (like me), but who knows?
Micaela - Met this guy on SKYN3T
Skiz - Met this guy on Dangerous Minds
SKYN3T - I hang out with these guys a lot on Mumble As of 07-09-23 the site is dead.
Dangerous Minds - Effectively where the SKYN3T community moved after the site went down, I spend a lot of time in the Mumble server. The admin is really nice too.
Cyberia - A "hacker collective" I hung out with on Mumble a long time ago back in my "tech geeker" days - My junk email provider, I used to hang out on their mailing list and keep up with their shenanigans
Xah Lee - Aside from the Emacs Lisp manual and C-h f, his website is my main resource for Elisp programming. I also like reading his philosophical blog posts, he has an interesting mix of enjoying free and open source software while criticizing it (which is perfectly ok). He's known for some crazy antics, but his writing is solid for the most part.
Richard Stallman - The originator of the Free Software and copyleft movements. His ideas on software are a bit extreme and would not work in the real world, and I disregard most of his opinions on social issues.
Vincent Canfield - The administrator of, his blog posts are pretty interesting but he hasn't posted in about 2 years.
Se7en - A guy I met on the mailing list. He has interesting blog posts on pretty much anything but I disregard his more extreme opinions on the Covid vaccine. Looks like he deleted all of his posts, I'm sure they're on
Videogamedunkey - One of the only bearable YouTube personalities, his insights on video games highly influenced my own ideas on what constitutes a good video game.
Ed and Mari - The last archive of, a couple's personal website onto which I stumbled when I was a kid looking for Star Wars lore. These guys inspired a lot of my hobbies, including Star Wars, root beer tasting, amateur restaurant reviewing, and pressed penny collecting.
Terry Davis - A schizophrenic programmer who created TempleOS. Unfortunately, he is now deceased.
DemiseTheGod - I grew up with this guy, but lost touch with him when I deleted Snapchat years ago. We used to play vidya and basketball. He tried for a while to make it as a pro CoD player and clip editor but that scene died out in the mid to late 2010s as far as I can tell. He's now trying to make it as a Valorant streamer. I'm more enamored with his YouTube videos as he plays old Wii games which is infinitely more interesting than modern competitive shooters.
Nabee Socks - Sellers of very great compressions socks. My wife - a nurse - says they really help her on the job, which requires her to be on her feet all day.
PC Keyboard - The guys who originally manufactured the greatest keyboard ever made, the IBM Model M, have their own storefront featuring keyboards which use the patented buckling-key mechanism.
Mindustry - My newest obsession. A FOSS RTS/Tower Defense/Sandbox/Factory Building game in the same vein as Factorio. It features multiplayer and I've spent many hours with my friends cooperating on survival mode. Also features PvP but I have not dived into that mode yet. Available free off of GitHub and Available for a price on Steam. Also has an Android and iOS version available as well.
OpenMW - A FOSS reimplementation of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind engine.
Tes3MP - A fork of OpenMW, adding in multiplayer.
FreeCiv - A FOSS reimagining of Civilizations 1 and 2.
FreeCivWeb - A web client for FreeCiv.
0ad - A FOSS RTS that began as an Age of Empires mod but turned into its own game. Features civilizations from the ancient world.
GOG - A storefront selling games without DRM. - A storefront selling games without DRM.
List of game engine reimplementations - Wikipedia's list of open source game engine reimplementations.
List of DRM-free games on Steam - A common misconception is that every game on Steam is encumbered with the Steam DRM. This is not the case and this page documents which games are playable without an instance of Steam running. Slightly outdated.
Internet Scrabble Club - The Internet Scrabble Club, a fun scrabble community.
Project DSM - A project that seeks to recreate the entirety of Des Moines, Iowa in Minecraft.
Red Eclipse 2 - A FOSS arena shooter featuring parkour. Used to be heavily active on the game, but it has unfortunately died. It is still fun to play with friends though. Also available on Steam.
Xonotic - A fast paced, movement-heavy FOSS arena shooter. I am terrible at the game and often ragequit, but something about it makes me keep coming back.
Endless Sky - Some would call this a clone of Escape Velocity, but this supersedes the original in pretty much every possible way. A while back, I attempted to code a mod adding in multiplayer but abandoned it, I may pick it up again someday.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - My favorite FOSS roguelike. Yes, I know the greatest roguelike of all time is NetHack, I don't care.
The Force Engine - A reimplementation of the Star Wars Dark Forces game engine, makes the game playable by modern standards
ScummVM - A collection of executable rewrites of point-and-click adventures from the 90s and 00s (e.g. Beneath a Steel Sky, Sam and Max Hit the Road)
Neural Network Design by Hagan et al. - A surprising amount of people have asked me about resources relating to the theory of neural networks. I have no idea if this is the best, but it's one I used to quickly bootstrap myself in an undergraduate research project. Unfortunately, looking for NN books nowadays will turn up shovelware book #19280915932521432 which is an idiot's guide to a version of Pytorch or Tensorflow that will be entirely outdated and useless in a matter of months due to the developers' allergies to backwards-compatibility. This text, on the other hand, focuses only on the math and provides custom built code examples in Matlab that are at a lower level of abstraction than Pytorch or Tensorflow making it really useful for learning the ins and outs of neural networks and ensuring it won't be useless for years, if not decades, to come. I have read this book pretty much all the way through and by the end you will have the skills to easily pick up Pytorch or Tensorflow.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - If you've spent any time online at all, you know what this is. For those of you that haven't, this is THE text on functional programming and higher abstraction programming. I, like a vast majority of those who have claim to read it, have not read it all the way through but I'm working on it.
Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics - SICP's neglected younger brother, reteaches classical mechanics from a computational point of view using functional programs. I won't even claim to have read this, but it's on my list.
Real Analysis by Jiri Lebl - My undergraduate real analysis textbook whose pdf is unfortunately named "realanal.pdf" - My buddies and I got a kick out of that in college. I spent many long hours studying this textbook trying to get a decent grade in what was considered the hardest math undergraduate course. IIRC, I scraped by with a disappointing C+ so I've been telling myself I will revisit this text someday. It's been years, but I'm still optimistic I'll get back to it someday. Beware, Lebl's philosophy is to not give answers to exercises so this is not an easy book to get through.
Book of Proof by Hammack - One of the, if not THE, standard intro to proofs textbook. I have read this one all the way through.
Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) - The standard algorithms textbook. I have not come close to finishing this behemoth, and I don't know if I ever will. Algorithms don't really interest me much, but I do own a hardcover copy of this so maybe I'll give it a whirl after I knock some stuff off my reading list. - A software privacy watchdog I utilize heavily. Extremely outdated, slightly controversial, but still useful.
RYF certification - The FSF's Respects Your Freedom certification page.
Defective By Design - A big DRM watchdog's guide on living DRM-free.
Last updated: Fri 24 Jan 2025 03:06 UTC